The text itself enters the day of the inner text. The best idea is to create your license agreement in a word processor and export it to RTF format (Wordpad is probably the best word processor for this purpose, more sophisticated could create much more detailed RTF files; even if you use it, you need to save the final version of Wordpad again): Look at the control with „Id LicenseText“ and read the comments. We have the text source of the original license in „a (var. ProjectDir)“ (loc. LicenseRtf).“ ProjectDir is the directory of the project file. That`s right! (loc. LicenseRtf) is where all the magic text displayed in the built-in WixUI dialogs can be replaced with custom channels if needed. The Next button in the Start dialog box in the installation dialog box (or the dialog box after the license dialog box) and the Back button in the installation dialog box – Remove license dialog box. Here`s a good code link: WixUIExtension.dll includes a standard location license agreement. To specify your product`s license, break the default setting by specifying a WiX variable called WixUILicenseRtf with the value of an RTF file that contains your license text. You can set the variable in your WiX creation: This XML simplification ( mentioned above worked for me; This effectively ignores the license instead of plugging into a custom page If I`m on a „simple RTF file“ (like English), it will only take a while, even in other language configurations If I delete this line, the blank code will be displayed in Latin, for example, to remove licenseAgreementDlg from the dialog box, WixUI_InstallDir you would do the following: The WixUI dialog library contains standard bitmaps for the bottom of the home and close dialogs.
You can replace these bitmaps with their own product branding goals. To override the default bitmaps, specify the values of the WiX variables with the file names of your bitmaps, as you would when replacing the default license text. I use Wix 3.6 to create a simple MSI that is used internally. I would like to know if there is an easy way to eliminate the dialogue on licensing agreements. I have to say that the general approach of copying the Wix code a bit and hacking a little („Changing the UI sequence of an embedded dialog phrase“ ( is somehow doomed to failure. but hey, I recently launched a Wix project that mimics Wix XML files, but allows you to encode the C configuration. You can find this project on First of all, I had the same problem with a license file with the „Terms and Conditions“ that must be accepted before the user can install the software. As the solution was not such that the „Terms and Conditions“ had to be accepted, I had to find a way to remove this dialogue. (C) If you make a claim against a Contributor for patents that you believe are infringed by the Software, your patent license of that Contributor to the Software will automatically terminate. The WiX toolset is released under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL). A reciprocal license is used to ensure that others who rely on the efforts of the WiX community give back to the WiX community.
In particular, the license requires that patches and enhancements to the WiX toolset be released with the same license. (F) The Software is licensed „as is“. You bear the risk of use. Contributors make no express warranties or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws that cannot be changed by this license. To the extent permitted by your local laws, Contributors disclaim the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. This license governs the use of the associated software. If you use the software, you agree to this license. If you do not accept the license, do not use the software. The SpawnDialog and SpawnWaitDialog events do not replace the previous page, but start a new child dialog box.
The first waits for the user`s interaction to be rejected, but the second only becomes visible until the conditional expression remains false. In our case, this is a waiting dialog box that is only visible when Setup calculates the hard disk requirements. For a small installation package like our example, it doesn`t take long, so you probably won`t get the chance to see this dialog box in action. But let it be there just in case. CostingComplete is a predefined property that is set to 1 when disk request calculations are complete. Finally, the well-known annoyance: the Continue button remains disabled until the user has accepted the license agreement. We have already used condition tags at the top level (launch conditions to determine whether to run the full installation process) or in feature tags (to disable the installation of various features under certain conditions). This is their third use, in control tags.
The Action attribute allows you to disable, enable, hide, or reset the control element, or reset it to its default state if the condition is considered true in the tag:, you can also specify the contract text in the source file, but the previous solution seems much easier to manage: the first reference contains the Appropriate UI library, however, it does not automatically use error and action files that are localized (or modified, in the case of English) in the language text. Without the second reference, the installation package becomes slightly smaller and uses the default messages in Windows Installer. To display optional text in the ExitDlg document, set the WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALTEXT property to the channel that you want to display. (B) No Trademark License – This license does not grant you any right to use the name, logo or trademarks of the contributors. (A) Mutual Benefits – For each file distributed by you that contains code from the Software (in source code or binary format), you must provide the recipients with the source code of that file along with a copy of that license, the license of which governs that file. You may license other files that are entirely your own work and that do not contain code from the Software on such terms as you choose. WiX Toolset (WiX) is licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL). The MS-RL governs the distribution of licensed software as well as derivative works and contains the definition of a derivative work as provided by U.S. copyright law.
OuterCurve Foundation (and .NET Foundation) does not consider installation packages generated by WiX to fall within the definition of a derivative work simply because they are created with WiX. Therefore, installation packages generated by WiX typically fall outside the scope of MS-RL, and their source code, binaries, libraries, routines, or other software components included in installation packages generated by WiX may be subject to different license terms. You can customize some visual aspects of the user interface by simply providing replacement files. The default bitmaps are in the toolset, but you can create your own replacement bitmaps, icons, and license text in them. You can also replace the selected files, not all of them. Your paths are stored in variables that you can specify on the command line or directly in the source code: (E) If you distribute any part of the Software as source code, you may only do so under this License by attaching a complete copy of this License to your distribution. If you distribute any portion of the Software in compiled code or object form, you may only do so under a license corresponding to this License. There is a known issue with the rich text control that is used to display the license file text that can cause the empty text to appear until the user scrolls down in the control.
This is usually due to complex RTF content (for example. B the RTF file generated when an RTF file is saved in Microsoft Word). If you experience this issue in your installation UI, in most cases it is resolved by one of the following workarounds: Instead of providing an option to ignore the license agreement, the default inventory dialog set can be extended with the Eula-Free versions. The attached Wix_MinimalNoUla.wxs is a modified version of WixUI_Minimal.wxs as an example. As a Wix UI enthusiast, I post it here in case someone else finds it useful. The full text of the MS-RL license is reproduced below. It can also be found in the LICENSE. TXT included in the source code. Sometimes the re-licensing is misinterpreted to also apply to bundles, packages, and custom actions created with the WiX toolset.
Outercurve Foundation previously provided this explanation below to clarify what the .NET Foundation now confirms: For example, there is a known issue with the rich text control used to display the license file text, which can cause empty text to appear until the user scrolls down in the control. This is usually due to complex RTF content (for example. B the RTF generated when an RTF file is ingested into Microsoft Word). When you perform this behavior in the configuration UI, in most cases, one of the following workarounds is fixed: This is where it gets ugly. We can easily replace the standard license by changing the WiX WiXLicenseRtf variable as follows: Where the license is the name.rtf of your EULA license file. The disadvantage of this method is that you can only have one license file, which means that there is no location for it. That is why we need to find a way around the problems. The license is checked for the name of a License Agreement dialog box.
What we need to do is replace this dialog box and insert the position function. .